Monday, June 7, 2021

The Fiber School

My fellow techs, I'm considering signing up for a remote class with The Fiber School to obtain a Certified Fiber Installer certification. The class is $3500 and includes all of the equipment required that I will keep after completing the course. It's approximately 20 hours of lecture and then hands on which is recorded and sent back to them for review.

I've been working as a DoD contractor, installing, monitoring, and maintaining Army networks, for the past 16 years, and now that Afghanistan is being closed down, I'm finding my experience isn't quite up to snuff to switch to the civilian market. I'm seeing a lot of jobs that I could probably get if I had proof of my fiber experience.

I'm asking any of you fiber experts, if this looks legit and worth paying out the money for? I just need it to get my foot in the door so I'm not making a fool of myself when the first real install comes along.

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