Sunday, May 10, 2020

Network in live events

Hello everyone,
i'm a 18 years old IT Student in high school, for my final exam i was thinking of taking something related to the festivals/concerts since i discovered this new passion.

I know that creating a network in these type of events it's really an important topic to make everything working properly, such as lighting, audio and also livestream.
So i was searching for some resources and technical explanation about how this type of network is created, what kind of solution are adopted also for cybersecurity and for example for livestream a big event.

I saw for example the Clair Global Case Study made by Cisco, where they explain the different solution adopted to make everything working.

What i'm asking is if you have any resources, links, articles or anything helpful to find out more about this topic, this will really help me creating this kind of thesis for my exam!

Thank you for your time!

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