Monday, March 26, 2018

VLAN question for a missions hospital network

Hi guys, I work for a missions hospital in a developing country. I'm medical, but I'm the closest thing to a tech guy, so I run the network. We're pretty remote, have satellite internet. The network for the campus was set up long before I got here, with buried cat5. Without getting into the details of the "why", here's my question(s):

1) Can I run two LANs/VLANS through one physical ethernet connection? The current ethernet setup is bridged by wireless APs. Router is a TP link with Gargoyle firmware to do U/D quota and bandwidth management.

2) If two LANs on 1 ethernet is possible, how would I set it up?

3) What equipment would I need to do that? My budget is a few hundred bucks.

Disclaimer: I kind of suck at CLI/command prompt stuff, although my mindless script copy/paste skills are pretty decent.

Appreciate any help/suggestions.

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