Sunday, February 25, 2018

Communication channels that act conceptually like a wire

Hi all, I came across this sentence in a reference book I was reading (about the data link layer) and I'm not sure if I understood it correctly. It goes like this:

The essential property of a communication channel that makes it > "wire-like" is that the bits are delivered in exactly the same order > in which they are sent.

Here is what I would to find out: Is there any difference between "delivering bits" & "sending bits" that I should be aware of? (i.e. Are there communication channels in which bits are delivered in a different order in which they are sent?)

Is the author trying to say that wire-like communication channels have data sent & received in the same order? (Which is to say the author is using "delivering bits" to mean "receiving bits") Or am I just interpreting it the wrong way?


P.S. Here is the original text. (I hope this isn't too trivial for this subreddit) Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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