Monday, October 11, 2021

Amazon Network Mapping Units limit question: Anyone know what happens when you exceed the limit of Network Mapping Units?

I work for an org with several accounts that utilize resources in a shared account. This means that we have many VPCs that are peered with each other. Come to find out that when you have many VPCs that are peered, from a AWS networking perspective, you essentially have one giant VPC.

There is a limit of Network Mapping Units (NMU) per VPC, and when you do the math on our setup, we exceed that limit.

We have not seen any egregious network issues, just the normal packet retransmits, and that sort of thing, but I am not sure if I am looking for the right thing.

I am not finding much documentation on what the impact of having too many NMUs in a VPC. Can anyone steer me towards some info? Has anyone here run into impacts because of this NMU limit?

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