Monday, August 9, 2021

BGP inbound traffic engineering

I have a site advertising a couple of prefixes out two different ISPs - Cogent (primary) and Colt(secondary). We use local preference on our side to make Cogent preferred for outbound traffic and we 2x prepend our AS on the Colt side to make it less preferred for inbound. Pretty standard stuff.

However, we get virtually no inbound traffic on the Cogent side, its all coming in over the Colt connection.

Ive checked a few looking glasses and can see a bit of a mixed situation - some providers only show the Colt path, some only the Cogent, some show both and there isnt really much of a pattern I can see yet.

I have an open ticket with Cogent to get their input on it, but has anyone else had a similar issue and any ideas on how to steer the traffic into the Cogent side fully? Should I just keep prepending until something flips?

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