Monday, April 5, 2021

Custom built security appliance / Protectli / Netgate appliance, to run pfSense?

Project needs:

  1. Need a small wall mountable device that will handle 1gbps of traffic in with no issues.
  2. No other sites to link to.
  3. 1 VPN connection for remote desktop, billing, etc.
  4. Needs to support VLAN routing (patron wifi & tablets for POS), not enough devices to justify a L3 switch
  5. There will be customer facing wifi for patrons.
  6. I am familiar with pfSense and satisfied with the performance & features in prior installs. It's just the hardware that I'm looking to keep the price down on.

Netgate devices seem expensive compared to their hardware & never used Protectli devices before. Office space won't tolerate an actual computer running pfSense so this needs to be a small self contained device.

Anyone use any of this stuff for small businesses, restaurants, bars, etc?

Budget around $400

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