Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Aruba Core and Cisco Access switches DHCP problem

We are a cisco shop until 3 weeks ago when we changed our core to Aruba but kept all of our access switches Cisco. The core is now 2 Aruba 8325 switches working as VSX. Everything seemed to be working fine until 2 weeks in. All access switches connected to Core 1 seemed to no longer be able to provide dhcp for devices connected. Upon unplugging the uplinks for each access switch and plugging them back in, dhcp worked fine again. Everything worked fine for one week and now same issue. The weird thing is switches stay up, you can ssh into. If you give the devices connected to the access switch a static it will work. A variety of devices connected to these that are effected when the dhcp stops working, phones, desktops, APs. I've been digging through logs not finding anything. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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