Sunday, February 14, 2021

would an ISP ever give me a /24 block?

I work for a medium sized MSP and am troubleshooting some misc issues with a client of ours. while working on something completely unrelated I noticed the wan configuration on their firewall is set to a static IP with a /24 subnet.

now, I know there are probably times when that is correct, but I'm a small time guy and I've never seen an ISP give me a block lower than /29 when I get a static from them.

This firewall in question was setup long before I came to work with this MSP but I do have notes from the last guy and they are identical EXCEPT they do specify a /29.

the client has internet mind you, which confuses me more maybe the subnet doesn't matter for that? part of me wants to change it, but part me doesn't want to be wrong and end up with a client offline and me having to go out there first thing tomorrow morning.

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