Hi everyone,
I thought I'd pop up pose the question to everyone, what does everyone mostly come into contact with or work on mostly these days? For me I work in a medium sized business so for me its mainly our medium sized data centre and branch sites which are pretty large in size. For me almost all my time is split between Cisco and Juniper devices using the CLI. I use to be the number 2 at my company but I'm the number 1 now since the senior moved on. I still keep in touch and he's gone to a massive company with a huge huge international network, SD-WAN and hundreds of branches etc...I asked him the same and he said he spends most of his time still on the CLI on 99% Cisco gear (the odd SRX here and there to). But he doesn't really touch the SD-WAN kit that much because it doesn't need as much "day to day" work on it all. I thought I'd pop up ask everyone what their day to day looks like and what they're usually on?
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