Using Windows 10 Pro machines offsite, users connect to my work network using the native L2TP VPN client.
I want to use split tunneling, non-domain internet traffic can flow directly to wherever it is going without needing to go through my firewall.
There is a specific vendor site, let's call it, which is only reachable via VPN from my work network. Users are unable to reach the site unless they are connected to the VPN.
Is it possible to use the split tunnel to route all of my internal connections AND that one specific domain through the work VPN and everything else can directly connect without adding traffic to my equipment? In about a year I'm supposed to have gigabit fiber available at which point I'll stop caring and kill the split tunneling, but until then it would ease my bandwidth crunch during peak hours.
For security, an added bonus would be to prevent traffic from the internet passing through the work from home laptops to my network.
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