This started a while back when I had multiple circuit drops over a couple of hours. In the process of figuring out who/what was to blame, the telco sent me logs saying that the customer facing port on the edge device where I receive my Ethernet hand-off was reporting issues. As it turns out, these did not line up with my outage window and the cause is still being investigated. That said, what exactly do these mean? I have tried doing some googling but keep getting unrelated results or results that are a bit too technical for me. I have included an example of each of the alarms they sent me as "proof" the issue is on my side. This is an Ethernet connection from their equipment to my firewall.
As I understand it,
LOC - Means that their equipment is no longer receiving electrical signals from my firewall? (I have to be misunderstanding this as I did not have a service loss during the times this alarm shows.)
RDI - Means that their equipment is receiving notification of bad signals to and from my firewall?
28 Loss of continuity (LOC) R-MEP 2 1 2 1 2020-06-08 loc Major 04:20:00.00
26 Remote defect indication (RDI) R-MEP 2 1 2 1 2020-06-08 rdi Minor 04:22:03.00
Ultimately I want to understand what I am looking at and rectify the issue if it truly is on my side of the fence.
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