Monday, March 23, 2020

OpenVPN Layer 2 Bridge

As stated in the title, I'm looking to create a device-to-site bridge that will enable my engineers to interface with equipment on site that rests on a client local network. The option to have the client enable a route in is not possible due to the vast quantity of corporate politics involved so I'm trying to find a solution.

The closest thing I've found (In theory) is a Layer 2 VPN that will emulate the functionality of the engineers device being on the the local network itself. A Lot of OpenVPN documentation touts that it is fully capable of this however my findings with current software versions have only confused me further as upon enabling Layer 2 in OpenVPNAS the user management page has completely broken.

Am I searching up the wrong avenue? Is there a better way to do this? I'm after Layer 2 functionality at the core, though if this can be done through some NAT wizardry I'm all ears.

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