Monday, March 30, 2020

Any idea on what could be blocking/intercepting Websocket-Connections?

Hey folks, I am working in a remote-office and our central IT is in Paris.
Recently a vendor I specifically work with released a major relase that exclusively offers some features (necessary features...) via Websockets.

Interestingly enough I had many troubles using this technology, but I obviously tried many things until I went home to try everything I couldnt try during work hours.

Turns out: My company blocks websocket connections on company lan. I couldn't find out how or why, and the response from the IT was "no, we don't block that on our proxy, we only block x,y,z" and "the company lan is not designed for this kind of thing" effectively saying "if you can't do it on our lan, that's not our problem, get another internet access". They told me I have to prove what is blocked and how, so they MAY look into it.

But I couldnt find anything that potentially blocks wss, other than deep packet inspection, which is not specific enough for them.

Anyone has any heads up?
Thank you!

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