Monday, January 13, 2020

Large scale fast networked storage solution?

I have been tasked with looking into a storage solution for my company. We are scaling up quickly and need to design a system to serve up to 60 clients. Full disclosure - I am NOT an IT guy. I just happen to have the heaviest workload and a vague-ish idea of how these things work.

We are a creative services team dealing with print, video and vfx. Currently the print team is on a separate storage solution than the video team, and they need to be united. The print workload is about 75% of the clients, and is not nearly as demanding as the video team in regards to space and access. The print team is on some slow server right now, they have to download their files and work locally to do work. The video team is on a 128 TB Facilis Terrablock system. It seems the Terrablock system is deprecated now and will not be able to scale.

Before reinvesting in a new Facilis system with their new hardware, I wanted to see if anyone had suggestions I should look into. I don't have any complaints about the system, but there are also only three people on the video team right now utilizing it.

Sorry if these are really basic questions, like I said it's not totally my wheelhouse but I want to understand more about how these things work. Thank you.

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