Monday, July 29, 2019

WAN is suddenly displaying a 192.168 address but still works.

Historically our WAN has been assigned an address from our ISP beginning with 174... and since we have a static IP it never changes. The other day I was looking at the our UTM and the WAN address is which is probably being assigned by a device at An external query of our ip address shows our old 174... address. My guess is that our modem is now acting as a router but here is the strange thing, our VPN connections still work. To me it seems unlikely that the router in the modem would properly forward the VPN connection without configuration. The other odd thing is I can't understand why this routing would be turned on in the modem, or how. We cannot manage it from our end and they seem to have no reason to make any changes. The ISP has not been helpful.

Everything seems to be working fine but it seems very strange to me. Has anyone seen this sort of thing before? Is there a practical reason why an ISP might do this? What am I missing here?

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