Friday, July 19, 2019

ARP poisioning from different interfaces?


So I know generally how ARP spoofing works, but I'm not sure about one thing. Let's say we have 3 computers:

Computer A: 1 network interface with ip:

Computer B: 2 networks interfaces with ip: (B1 interface) and (B2 interface)

and Computer C: 1 network interface with ip

A is connected to B1, and C is connected to B2.

B wants to talk to A, so it sends an ARP packet with B1 to get A's MAC address.

Lets assume C is quicker then A and knows when B sends this packet (edit: I know naturally it wouldn't know this, that is why added this as an assumption, lets say for example, B sends this packet at exactly 5 o'clock, every day, and C knows it.).

So before A sends his answer to B, C will send an ARP response to B2, claiming to own the ip address Will this work even though B2 is on subnet 2.2.2.x? In other words, C will be able to see what B planned to send to A, right?

Another question: Is there any easy way to model this situation (and similar situations) with VMs or something?


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