Tuesday, April 23, 2019

VOIP over IPSec VPN, do you recommend it when the other end has 50mbs up/down ?

I have spent the past two hours reading about VOIP over VPN and it looks like it should work. I just need input from you guys just in case i am missing something. I really don't want you to do my job, i just want to hear from fellow professionals and what you think about the situation.

I have two sites connected via ipsec site to site vpns. Works well and the HQ has 500Mbs up/down and the remote site ( 5 users) has 50Mbps up/down. Everything works as intended and i was recently asked to add the phones vlan to the VPN and i started looking at the bandwidth requirements.

I have two options, upgrade the 5 users to a higher bandwidth (which i am still not sure of) or just set them up with the VOIP vlan via the tunnel and hope it works.

Any constructive input is greatly appreciated.



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