Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Noob Problem... GUI for AP only available for a split second

So I'm completely new to networking, and for some reason I chose to do a network forensics topic for my forensic degree dissertation (I am regretting this hugely).

So here is my problem. I have set up a Cisco router, switch, and Aironet 1262. and my devices can connect to them and are assigned IP addresses. For some reason though, when I wire a PC directly to the single ethernet port of the AP, I can access the GUI (important for evidence gathering) and see connected clients etc but then when i refresh or try to go anywhere, the pc will refuse to connect back to the GUI, I will just get the standard browser response when it can't connect to a webpage. I can connect a new PC to the AP and do the same, but it will cease to work again. I set the BVI1 interface to have a certain IP as I'm unaware to if you can access the GUI through wireless means (if that is possible, it certainly wont work for me) so that makes the router/switch irrelevant due to the single ethernet port on the device.

Any ideas? Dissertation deadline is coming up and I could really do without this frustration as a networking noob lol. Hugely appreciate any help :)

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