Monday, April 8, 2019

Re-IPing an entire networking. Doing the groundwork?

I was told from up high that we have to change our entire network IP scheme...EVERYTHING. We have about 2000 nodes on the network and all of our applications are on premises. Some of our applications were setup years ago, have no documentation, etc. I know we're going to break things in the process.

From a network perspective I'm trying to think of a good way to get a snapshot of all traffic flows on the network before we start migrating. So when we do break something we can look back and see which hosts were talking to which and I can at least point the application people in the right direction.

Are there any free utilities to capture sFlow data (we have mostly HP5400zl switches) and analyze the data so I can get a sense of who is talking to who? I was not given any budget to do this, so that's why I'm asking about free stuff.

Anyone pitfalls I need to avoid or try and foresee?

PS-I'm in the process of laying out our new scheme and I've never had to do this from a clean slate. It's really easy to overthink it.

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