When creating policy-maps and the included classes, does class-default policing apply to all traffic or is it just traffic that is not matched further up, much like an ACL works?
For example see below:
class-map voice
match dscp ef
policy-map qos_class_policy
class voice
class class-default
police input 70000000 35000
police output 70000000 35000
inspect pptp
Would this limit voice/EF traffic to 70mb as well, or is the policer for "class-default" irelevant if the voice traffic has been matched in "class voice".
One final question, is the effects of a policer limited to a "stream" or is it the total of all traffic i.e. policing at 70mb, would be 2 source's at 35mb full throttle each (70 combined), or 70mb each?
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