Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Setting up WiFi for Third Party Events

Hi all,

Recently we've allowed other businesses to come onto our site and utilize our network and meeting rooms for conferences. The last event was 100+ people, mainly connecting to emails and making Skype calls - so it's a fairly large amount of additional network activity.

I created a seperate SSID granting internet-only access for them to connect to with web-authentication, which seemed OK at first but User's were continuously being disconnected and having to re-login via the webpage. I thought this may be because of roaming, and perhaps needing to re-authenticate every time a device connects to a new AP?

I did see there was a feature called "Fast Transition" which helps with this roaming issue, but I read that a lot of older devices don't support it so I was weary on trying this. So in the end I actually disabled authentication completely, meaning anybody could connect without being prompted for any credentials. Obviously this solution has it's problems, as we quite liked the idea of at least having a "Term and Conditions" statement to accept to connect to the network.

I was wondering if anybody has been in this scenario before where you're hosting an external organisation on your managed network, and whether you had any tips. We're primarily a Cisco environment with Cisco AP's and WLC.


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