Wednesday, January 9, 2019

MAC ACLs and security best practices

I got a contractor to do a basic ptp wireless link using two nanostation loco m5s. She gets the job done and the link has been up for ~1 week now. I wanted to deactivate a user on radius and i saw that the creds i mailed her for the link had not been used once. Checked the antennas and the only security measures were hidden ssid and mac acls. No encryption. Apparently:

this is best practice as it eases the load on the devices and doesn't use as much cpu

I called another contractor and got a similar response.

I don't do this professionally and i am 100% self taught, but i thought mac acl was the easiest security to get around. Does ubiquiti implement some special method that makes mac acls decent?

This is for my small business but we handle a lot of extremely sensitive data. A data leak would likely end us so my attitude towards security is borderline paranoid. Everything but http and voice is encrypted at the application layer so no harm done really, but still...

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