Wednesday, January 9, 2019

L2VPN Pseudowire & L2protocols?

Hi, I'm just having confusion about this. I do have a simple topology as shown below.


Site A ----| SW1-(PE1)----L2vpn----(2PE2) SW2|----- Site B

With normal l2vpn pseudowire what it does it matches the payload forward to xconnect then impose a label in it toward to xconnect peer.

  1. Now does by default pseudowire allow l2protocol like cdp stp vtp lldp which inside the payload sent by site A/B traverse to xconnect circuit?
  2. while there's a scenario that you need to tunnel these protocol in tunnel ports to properly run theres l2protocol?

  1. Does it mean that I cannot run there protocol properly without using some sort of tunneling?

  1. In the case that Im using a regular matching on both PEs should I configure a tunnel and does it have any interuption/down time on its current service?



int g1/1

switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

switchport trunk allowed vlan 100

switchport mode trunk


interface TenGigE1/1.100 l2transport

description MPLSCUSTL2;STATIC;65003;AMS02;100Mb;SR146744;Metro Optical;;Americas;MET023;Man;Prov;B;

encapsulation dot1q 100

rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric

xconnect group test

p2p test-p2p

interface TenGigE0/1.100

neighbor ipv4 pe2x.x.x.x pw-id 100

SW2(Cisco ASR 920)

service instance 100 ethernet

encapsulation untagged

bridge-domain 100

PE2 has similar configuration like P1 interms of interface and l2vpn.


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