Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Nexus 5548 - where did all of these commands come from (post-upgrade)!?

Pair of Nex5548, they were running 7.0-something (it was a stable release though). I upgraded them to current-stable [7.3(3)N1(1)] which involved an intermediate stop at 7.1(5)N1(1).

I had this pile of shit carefully balanced and using switch-profile / config sync for everything, because Nexus.

At some point through the upgrade process, basically every port channel that I have mysteriously gained a no lacp suspend-individual.

This is OK for the environment, this is the behavior I want... but the problem is that now all of my carefully curated switch-profile work is broken as fuck, because all of the no lacp suspend-individuals were added in config mode (rather than config sync mode).

Now if I try to modify any of these port-channels (VPCs) in config sync mode, it bitches at me because they all have this damn lacp command associated with them outside of the switch-profile.

Even more frustrating - I can't simply import into the switch-profile, because the only way to add that particular command is if a port is shut. Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

What the actual fuck, Cisco?

Any suggestions to un-screw this complete mess? I have 8 FEX attached to these, and basically every FEX has a slew of pos too. This is madness...

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