Monday, September 17, 2018

blaming the network on database copying

Hello folks, I have a question that I'm pretty sure many many Net guys have been asked at least 100x in their careers.

So we have these 2 VMs that are inside esxi hosts and they are separated by states. Our backbone is full 10Gig circuits that gets us to these 2 places from one to another. Over the weekend, a few databases were copied that were a few terabytes. So this process took many many hours and of course, here comes the fingers pointing to us. We've done plenty of test like iperf and network tools to prove that we can fully almost get 10gb back/forth, no input errors or any sort of physical errors we did so much testing, no nothing, yet everyone keeps coming and saying the slow file copying is us. I've exhausted all my options and don't know what else to look at. I know there must be other factors to copying a database like maybe HDD throuput.. How can I prove that this is not us?

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