I would like to query any other Cogent users in Las Vegas out there and see if anyone has more information than I do on this subject. I take a Cogent Internet transit port in Las Vegas. I've been running this for about three years now. I've been observing this behavior for a while and would like to check to see if anyone else's experiences coincide with mine.
From what I can tell, all west-bound traffic to Las Vegas from the midwest and eastern parts of the US via Cogent all seem to traverse through Los Angeles before heading east back to LAS. This has caused us a couple of problems. The first of course is a bit of added round trip latency due to traversing the extra distance and hops. The second problem seems to be that Las Vegas doesn't seem to have alternate paths (at least for transit traffic) to the the rest of their network. We have had at least one major outage due to a fiber cut and there not being a backup path into LAS.
If you look at the Cogent network map, it shows a "Scheduled Network Route" between Phoenix and Las Vegas. I noticed this a while back (about a year ago) and kind of put these issues on the back burner with the expectation that this would help mitigate these issues once this was installed (introduce redundancy and create a shorter transit path). Recently I decided to press my account manager on this and asked them when this was scheduled to be installed. The answer I got back was that there was currently no plan to install this path and that it was in a To Be Determined status. The gist that I got was that they are thinking about maybe putting in a path between Phoenix and Las Vegas when they get around to it (basically no time soon), even though their map uses the term "Scheduled". This irked me. I'll probably go back to them and press them on this (again), but wanted to see if anyone with Cogent experience in this location has any more information than I do.
Is there anyone else on Cogent in Las Vegas? Has anyone seen major outages as a result of this? Has anyone else been given any information from their account management people about their network design into Vegas and whether they plan on resolving these issues?
Thanks for any information anyone might be able to share...
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