Monday, August 6, 2018

24 port 3750-X apparently died w/in the last 24 hours... Thoughts?

OK. I'm going to start by stating that I've inherited networking responsibilities by virtue of the fact that we're a small K-12, and I'm willing to learn, and comfortable on a command line.

When we left the school Friday evening life was peachy and everything was working as per the norm. When I came in this morning, we had no phones and several servers were unavailable over the network.

When I looked in the comms room, I found that the 24 port switch of our core stack (1- 48 port 3750-X, 1 - 24 port 3750-X), showed a solid light on every port that was plugged in. We power cycled the switch, it came back up w/ high fan, the fan settled to normal levels, but the lights stayed solid (even after unplugging the cables).

sh ver shows only one switch in the stack; sh logging only shows some mac flapping on port Gi1/0/22 (which I think is one of the ports plugged into an ESXi host); and sh int err-disable shows nothing.

I did notice that the 3750 has stacked PSUs as well as the regular stacking cables. I'm guessing that I'm not getting a full shutdown of the switch without cycling both?

I'm a little concerned that the master won't come back up after a power cycle, either, but I'm thinking that's my next step?

Only other thing I can think to mention is that phone logs (phones were plugged into 24 port) show extensions checking for config updates both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Whatever went belly up seems to have w/in the last 24 hours based on that.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.


Just realized this is probably pertinent:

I have NO LEDs in the upper left. Sys, Status, etc are dark on the 24 port

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