Thursday, December 7, 2017

Meraki - Naming VLANs. Possible? How do you manage it otherwise?

Hi all,

I've been trying out some Cisco Meraki kit (switch and AP). It all seems to work quite well. However, one thing I have noticed is that there doesn't appear to be any way to give meaningful names to VLANs anywhere in the dashboard.

e.g. On our existing HP switches, I can do a "show vlan" and it'll produce a list of all the defined VLANs on the switch, along with the names I have given them all (VOICE, IPTV, USER, NFS, etc.).

From what I can find in the dashboard, you can only really define and use VLANs by their ID. There's no nice way to identify what lives in a given VLAN. It would be nice to name them in order to reduce human error and the like as I intend to give certain users to manage port VLAN assignment who are by no means network engineers. The easier I make it for them, the less scope there is for things to go wrong.

This isn't necessarily a show-stopper, but I just find it a little bit odd that such a feature doesn't exist in there somewhere.

Would love to hear what other's experiences have been like in terms of managing VLANs on the Meraki platform.

I've done some googling, and I can't seem to find an answer, so my assumption is that it's not possible. I'll be grateful to be told otherwise!

Either way, thanks in advance.



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