Saturday, August 21, 2021

Help with subnetting for a beginner?

Hey guys! So I was recently given an assignment and I'm struggling greatly with it. There's a bunch of other info, but the only thing that's really giving me trouble is a part involving subnetting.

The assignment says to assign internal IP addresses from the range among two internal networks. Now, I basically have no networking experience but I really want to understand, because my first thought is to try and subnet this IP into two different networks and assign the IPs from there, but the CIDR notation seems to indicate a class B address while the one listed is a class A.

I may be just completely misunderstanding the assignment from the get-go, but I'm trying hard to see if there is something here that I am just not getting right, and wondered if you guys could help. I'll answer any questions you have, and I appreciate the help.

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