Thursday, February 6, 2020

Is there a way to monitor which ports are open in a server?

Basically, a way to know what ports are open, or in listening state, in a server, particularly Ubuntu Servers.

I'm not really sure if I'm asking this the wrong way but I was assigned to create a monitoring system for all our servers and to know/monitor what ports are opened.

Like for sure, port 22 is open in all our servers. I want that to reflect in a dashboard.

What if other random TCP ports are opened, how can I show that in a dashboard?

Metrics monitoring is fine, I used the combo of InfluxDB, Grafana, Telegraf.

I'm just confused by what is assigned to me.

There's a language barrier going on internally so I cannot really clarify.

Before I ended our meeting, I was thinking maybe there's really a "port monitoring" dashboard in grafana, so I googled away. But for 2days now, can't find anything.

I was thinking too, if I just make sure that the server is being monitored in CPU, memory, network, or any metrics, why bother monitoring what ports are open? Besides, ports are opened selectively for each server, so what's there to monitor?

Hope you'll are getting what I try to ask and can point me in the right direction.

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