Saturday, April 28, 2018

Learning network automation - best place for help?

I've been digging pretty deep into network automation over the past months. I went through David Bombal's course on udemy along with Krik Byer's free 8 week course shortly after. Now I've moved onto a book called "Mastering Python Networking".

I'm at a point where I'm digging into Ansible for the first time and I've hit a snag that I can't figure out. I realize this subreddit is more for enterprise technology so this isn't the best place. There is both /r/learnpython/ and /r/ansible but it doesn't seem like either of those are appropriate to post in for say a niche issue I'm having with Ansible communicating with a NX-OSv switch.

I'm all about doing some digging before I just needlessly post but I'm truly at a point where I'm just scratching my head. I'm posting here for direction to hopefully find a good community but I'll provide my issue for context.

I'm using GNS3 with NX-OSv and the network automation docker with all required packages and such installed. I'm just following along in the book where I'm using a yaml template with jinja2 variables to connect to the NX-OSv device and configure snmp contact. When trying to do so I get the following output...

root@NetworkAutomation-1:~/ansible# ansible-playbook cisco_2.yml PLAY [Configure SNMP Contact] **************************************************a TASK [configure snmp contact] ************************************************** fatal: [switch1]: FAILED! => {"msg": "from_buffer() cannot return the address of the raw string within a str or unicode or bytearray object"} to retry, use: --limit @/root/ansible/cisco_2.retry PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* switch1 : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 

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