I've been a network engineer for nearly 15 years now, working my way from a low-paid operations engineer to a high-paid project delivery contractor. I have worked alone, in small teams, large teams, MSPs, small datacentres, large datacentres and financial institutions. Currently make good money, though have never had a decent work/life balance until my current role.
The thing is I've never had any passion for the career. I've got my CCNP/CCDP and a bunch of random qualifications for other vendors but have never been interested enough to go further.
I could be quite happy in my current position until retirement but we all know it doesn't work like that: this is a career that is in constant change. Sooner or later I'll have to recertify, study new technologies that I have no interest in, or move on.
Maybe I could aim for CCIE but I honestly have zero interest in studying, except for the potential financial reward.
So where do I go from here? I feel like a career change would do me good but anything would likely mean a step down in salary, which is not ideal as I have a family to support. What do engineers who are long in the tooth do anyway? Personality wise I don't have the outlook for management; even though I think I'd make a good stab at it I've been told I'm not "management material". I don't fancy going back to anything involving the general public or end users. I did enjoy being a desktop support engineer a long long time ago before moving into networking but I feel like that's a young man's game, not to mention the money is poor.
I guess I'm just hoping others who have made the successful jump from being an engineer to another career will see this and can offer some advice.
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