Thursday, September 23, 2021

5G vs Wi-Fi 6 Latency

It's well know that 5G will bring much improved latency with respect to the 4G protocol, but how does this latency compare with a typical WIFI6 connectivity? That is, if I need to minimise latency and I have the option to choose between cellular vs home/office WIFI connections, which one should I use?

I'm aware that there is no way to know for a specific situation other than making a test, but since I'm interested in multiple deployments (over EU and USA), it's unfeasible to probe all locations.

Can we make any meaningful statement about 5G vs Wi-Fi6 latency which is true over a large number of samples?

The answer is particularly relevant for companies that need to rollout a low-latency product, but don't want to use cellular connections if not necessary.

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