Sunday, August 8, 2021

Question about internal workings of load balancers

I sort of thought this would be a networking related question since load balancers route traffic on a network and hope someone might know the specifics I'm looking for.

So I understand what a load balancer is and what it does but I want to know "how" it works. Can a load balancer itself be multiple machines? If so how does it logically get treated as 1 "unit". I'm really interested in the networking specifics here because ultimately I'm curious how would a load balancer be upgraded or go through maintenance without stopping to serve requests/route traffic.

I'm not able to find the information because I'm not a networking expert but this topic is really interesting to me and I'd love to understand how a load balancer actually works internally - especially the highly available ones that you see on big cloud providers like AWS/Google. They have to maintain them but continue having them operational.

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