Saturday, July 24, 2021

Will a new modem fix this? Please help.

I have a 32x4 modem, i noticed that channels 25-27 build up alot of uncorrectables in the morning and the power goes up around +8 dBmV on all three of them and when this happens my modem stalls for a few seconds causing my router to lose internet connection and disconnects all my devices for a minute.

This happens 2 times a day, one in the morning, one in the evening. It's been happening for about a year now and the isp doesn't want to help because everything "looks fine," on their end.

My question is, Since these uncorrectables always occur on channels 24+, will a 8x4 channel modem solve the issue?

(My max internet speed is 150Mbps, so I'm not even sure why I bought the 32x4 modem in the first place.)

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