Monday, July 12, 2021

Device Inventory & Management System

Can anyone suggest a good device inventory and management system? We have a ton of devices with almost about 700 servers and 20k client devices, plus other networked devices. The network has sort of organically grown over the years and only those there when it started have a real sense of the totality of resources we have.

We are looking for an application that can essentially scan the network and detect all the devices, and possibly periodically scan for new devices and prompt to have them properly identified and tagged if that has not already been done.

We have a lot of 3rd party devices within the estate, as well as both inbound and outbound VPN connected devices, and will like to make sure we can authoritatively identify all devices in the network at any time.

I've looked at Manage Engine and Spiceworks only cursorily , SolarWinds might be on the table but I'm open to suggestions from anyone with experience on things

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