I am completely new to SNMP and Aruba CLI and I have been struggling for weeks to get the above switch to send traps through to my trap server running snmptrapd.
I thought I had cracked it once I was able to snmpget / snmpwalk to the switch and gather information, however when I disable ports etc. I get no traps at all, IE I am able to query but the switch doesn't bother sending anything on it's own
I've tried enabling all the vrfs as the SNMP enabled vrf and tried creating trap receivers associated with both but I don't seem to get any traps.
I think I might be misunderstanding something entirely , the main unknown to me is how the "rmon alarms" relate to SNMpv3 on these switches, are the rmon alarms what drives the traps and do I need to configure thresholds myself?
Multiple documents seem to state that by defauly linkup and linkdown should be alerted on , for example:
Frustratingly the switches I have seem to have a very stripped down CLI in comparison to any documentation I am finding, for example "show snmp-server traps" or "snmpv3 enable" aren't even commands available to me.
I know I can hit my NMS through my mgmt vrf as I have other devices on the same subnet working fine, I have obtained the engine-id by running "show snmpv3 engine-id" and associated this with my user which I believe is correct as I can snmpget with the same credentials.
Anyone have any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Assume I am an idiot as I have probably missed something very simple and obvious
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