Monday, April 5, 2021

Basic Question About Wireless Networks

TL;DR: If a wireless system needs Collision Avoidance because it can’t detect, how can it have carrier sense

Hi there! I’ve travelled down the rabbit hole of Wikipedia hyperlinks and survived but with no success, I’ve gone beyond the realms of Google’s first page of result, I’ve even wrestled with the Reddit search function, so finally I prostrate myself before you men and women of knowledge in search of clemency and help. If networking knowledge could be spoken of in travelling terms then I am about 2 feet outside of my front door, with a look of fear and apprehension best found in Samwise Gamgee before he takes his furthest step from the shire. In short, I’m a noob! And everywhere I read about this topic I never see this mentioned so I have to ask!

Unnecessarily long intro aside, why oh why is it that in Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (or CSMA/CA for short...ish) are we told that that this is good for a wireless network because they may not be able to detect a collision like in /CD. If they cannot detect a collision how is it they are able to sense a carrier at all. How do they know the line is busy so to speak... if that is what carrier sensing even is. And why do we bother with this if it doesn’t fix the Hidden Node Problem.

Now just so this wasn’t a complete waste of your time, I’ll reward your patience with a joke: A ghost walks into a bar, the bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve spirits.”... eh!!?

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