Sunday, March 21, 2021

Setting up a wireless control network in a film studio

Hi all,

Probably fairly long post coming, so apologies for that, and big thanks for those who do read through and offer help!

I work as a lighting programmer, increasingly in film and TV. In studios/locations, there is a main Lighting Desk which does the processing, but a lot of the control is done roaming from a Tablet/Surface etc. Therefore, there needs to be a wireless network covering the studio - this will never connect to internet, it is simply providing a wireless interface for the handheld devices to talk to the lighting desk.

Previously, I have run a Ethernet cable from the desk to a TP Link router/AP, on a stand in the middle of the room. Tablet, desk and AP all in the same IP range, they talk to each other, there we go - that is about the extent of my networking knowledge.

However, I'm now increasingly working on bigger shoots, which means bigger studios and bigger locations. On my last shoot we were in a studio 200ft × 100ft, containing an apartment set (so often within wooden walls). There were also probably tens of other devices broadcasting WiFi signals and hundreds receiving (cameras, lights, sound gear etc). I originally assumed using 2.4ghz would be best because of the range, but I assume because it was so polluted with other devices, I found more luck on 5ghz

My existing basic setup struggled, and I've been recommended looking at setting a more professional multi AP system in the future (such as Ubiquiti; Ruckus; etc). What I imagine in my head is a number of access points, one connected to the lighting desk over cable, and the rest extending to each other - when I walk around the studio my device will automatically switch to the best signal AP giving me total coverage. Getting power to places is generally no hassle - running data cables would be more awkward, so ideally APs would connect to each other wirelessly.

Any and all recommendations of hardware, tips and tricks much appreciated. Budget is definitely of concern as well (all self funded) so where things can be avoided (ie a "brain" to manage everything makes it easier but not strictly necessary) I'll probably go that route, at least initially.


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