Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Need help with SNMP Traps


I've been tasked with setting up a basic per-port mac limitation config on some Juniper ex-4300 switches, and to get SNMP monitoring set up to log events when it triggers.

I've never worked with SNMP traps before, and the corresponding OID for this is notify-only. I've had this on my project list for a while and keep making little to no progress as I either don't understand this well enough to google my way to an answer, or a simple answer doesn't seem to exist anywhere so I'm hoping someone here can help me out.

Here's my current snmp config on the switches:

root@EX4300TEST> show configuration snmp community *redacted* { authorization read-only; clients {; } } trap-options { source-address; agent-address outgoing-interface; } trap-group dwni { version v2; destination-port 162; categories { chassis; link; configuration; services; } targets {; } } 

And on the receiving end (centos 7/rhel)

[root@*redacted* snmp]# cat snmptrapd.conf snmpTrapdAddr udp: authCommunity log,execute *redacted* traphandle default /usr/sbin/snmptt 

I've verified snmptrapd is running, but nothing is logging with this config. Obviously I've got some chunks missing but getting frustrated trying to find answers as to what.

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