Monday, March 15, 2021

IPSec Site-to-Site VPN: Site B hosts can ping Site A router but not hosts, Site A to B works perfectly.

Good morning friends, I'll keep this concise. I bought two TL-R605 routers to set up an easy site-to-site VPN. Site A has a dynamic IP with DDNS set up, Site B has a static IP and domain name. I have to live with the Comcast Business gateway on Site B if I want my static IP... so the TL-R605 is in that gateway's DMZ.

The IPSec tunnels were remarkably easy to set up, Site A can access all of the hosts at Site B as if they were on the same network. However, this is not true for Site B, no hosts there can ping or access any hosts on Site A. Site B hosts can ping the local IP address of Site A's router, however.

Any help would be appreciated! I work in IT but the finer points of networking are a bit over my head sometimes.

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