Thursday, February 25, 2021

Question about global IP address allocation/deployment

How does the process of the regional internet registry allocating IP addresses work?

I understand that each RIR allows organizations, often ISPs, to request IP address blocks that they then have assigned to them. The backbone isps then peer with each other using bgp in order to have routes with each other.

What I’m confused about is how exactly does the assignment of the global ip work; how do existing routers on the internet know the new owner of the IP address? In what way is the IP address binded to the new organization?

I assume it might have something to do with the AS numbers but I’m not sure how.

If anyone has a link to a writeup or good resource about this level of the internet (IANA, tier1/backbone, BGP) I would be interested in that as well.

Sorry if this is a very noob question, I’ve done a lot of googling/ searching Wikipedia and I still haven’t found a conclusive answer.

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