Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Help with my dissertation Internet traffic anomaly warning tool

Hi! I am starting to developed my master thesis, and would like to ask you a simple question to help me understand the usefulness of my tool!

If that is okay, please comment one or more answers for the following question:

Would you consider to use a plugin, on your browser, that warns you when your Internet traffic is having a suspicious behaviour which might indicate that it is being heard / diverted?

a) Yes, I had already tried searched for a tool like that

b) Yes I would try it

c) This risk does not concern me

d) I don't use plugins

e) I didn't know it was possible

f) I can't believe you can do that

Thank you so much for your time!

If you want to also answer my short questionnaire (2 minutes) to help me understand some of your priorities and help me with the implementation, would be very gratifying.

Link to questionary: https://forms.gle/BnGSuWoTV3XusodNA

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