Friday, December 25, 2020

Maybe wanting to start a WISP/Small ISP in a couple of years.

(I don't live in the USA so my local situation may be different than the majority over here)
Currently I work at a small but fast growing ISP as a network engineer/tech. And I am not gonna lie I like it. Yes it can be tough, you work odd hours, I would not even mind working odd hours if we had some sort of schedule instead of being 24h on call. And customer demands are often perplexing As well as the fact that telephony is murder. But I like it despite that, it can be fun, it is in a IT niche that I find interesting ATM and I get to travel visiting POPs at odd places and meeting interesting people. I also am confident in my layer 2 game.

And although I love the big city, every once in a while an idea pops up in my head that I want to move back either to my small (10000 people) hometown or my also small (10000) high school town. Usually I dismiss that idea in a second. But one day I might not.

The problem is I will never ever find a networking job there. It is hard to even find any IT jobs there, and most of them are commuting to the large city I am already in. The only way I will find a networking job in such small towns is if I make one myself.

So I would start my own one man WISP/Local ISP. At the earliest this would happen in 4-5 years because I feel to green and have no social networking of note. But I know for a fact that no nearby WISPs of local fiber ISPs exist.

Here are some of my challenges/milestones/thoughts/questions on that matter that I have:

  1. I need to learn. I need to learn layer 1, a milestone would be that I know enough to do a fiber run and splice, enough to be self reliant at least. And I also need to know layer 3. The milestone here would be that I am just as confident in my BGP as I am in my layer 2 ATM. I would prefer to have an AS over not having one.
  2. Customer first, product/service second. This is a big one. The hardest way to start a business is to start selling before you have customers. The way I intend to circumvent this issue... Well I would open up a IT related craft shop/service where I would do IT odd jobs for my neighbors and local businesses, fixing up PCs, small time server support and big time network support. I would also network with the local geek community. I would use all of that to network with people, and I would constantly nudge my customers with 'Hey bro I totally can sell you the internets myself.' I could also extend my area by offering wireless to local villages if I have LoS.
  3. Getting my uplink. The local T-mobile is an option but word is they pay a hefty premium for resellable links. Another option is my current workplace but I know for a fact we have no infrastructure in either of the towns I mentioned earlier. A third option would be a WISP from a nearby town but they could give me what, 50/50M? Maybe something else pops up in a couple of years.
  4. Equipment. Right now I favour Ubiquiti as I find their UNMS software enticing. But lately Ubiquiti as a company has been sending out weird signals. And where possible I would try to get second hand cheap Cisco. that one is easy.
  5. What do I do with telephony? I could bite the bullet and add that to my list of 'to learn' milestones or I could outsource it. I could even outsource it to my current company if I leave in good terms.
  6. What about other services? There are bound to be some customers that want bundled services. I could make my life simple by limiting that but that would also limit some of my potential customers.
  7. Running a business, even just to feed one mouth is a stressful proposition at best. There is no way around this.

As for my personal ideals, if my potential WISP to be ever becomes big enough to have more people in it, I can always structure it as a worker owned coop, local laws even recognise that form of organisation.

So, what do you think?

What advice can you give me?

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