Sunday, November 29, 2020

VPC split brain traffic examples...

Hi, I have been studying advance VPC failure scenarios and find myself understanding almost all of it, why its there, how they all happen and how to recover from them.

The "split brain" active/active dual control plane scenario is confusing me a bit though, mainly traffic flows and everything else which would brake down or be plagued by issues because of the active/active scenario. Like I said, I understand what it is etc...but as far as understand some examples of where the traffic would be impacted and what type of traffic (MAC add table, ARP, STP, data plane etc...) I'm still at a but of a loss as for some examples in my mind.

The only one I can think of so far is spanning tree blocks off the links to one of the active vpc's??

Can anyone enlighten me a bit here?

Thanks everyone

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