Sunday, November 22, 2020

Connecting wired time clocks across office buildings

We have time clocks spread across four separate office buildings. The time clocks sync to a PC over LAN. So, I've put a PC at each building where the bookkeeper can remote in (Google Remote Desktop...), generate the report and save it to her local PC. It works, but isn't ideal.

- Ensuring each PC at all buildings have a synced database in terms of employee names, employee ID ##s, etc.
- We end up with four reports and it takes time to go through them all

Ideally we want to consolidate the reports and time clock databases by having all the time clocks send their data remotely to the bookkeepers PC.

This sounds like a job for a VPN. My experience here is lacking.

My questions are..
- Do I just buy a router with OpenVPN installed and have all the offices connected with a VPN through the router? Still not sure how to make that work.
- Read up a bit about Split Tunneling. How hard would it be to have ONLY the time clock devices route over the VPN but leave the other devices on the network unchanged (going through the ISP / router that is already in place).

Hope this makes sense. Thanks for your time.

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