Sunday, November 15, 2020

Can a sharp bend or kink affect a Cat6 cable integrity if it’s straightened out again?

We usually have structured cabling contractors come in and run network drops for us. However, I found out that an electrician ran a few network drops after I was called in to terminate the cables.

Anyways, I discovered multiple white strains on the cable path. It turns out the electrician had bent the cable to measure the distance in increments of 20ft using his tape measure. When I asked why, he told me he only had one spool and some places he needed to run multiple cables. The whole thing was a miscommunication, and an electrician wasn’t meant to be called in.

His story checks out, as it appears that the cable path is clear of any kinks. He had made sure that no kinks existed when running the cable. I tested 2 out of the 8 cables and the tester is showing no problems.

My question is, if the cable was previously kinked in multiple spots, and if those kinks are straightened out, will it have any affect on the cable integrity?

Thank you.

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