Monday, November 16, 2020

100G DWDM over 40km using pluggable QSFP28 optics without amps or dispersion compensation

I found this very impressive achievement hidden deep in the thread about 100Gb PAM4 QSFP DWDM EDFAs ( ) and thought it deserved some more attention.

"... there's a new optic coming that might solve your problem and reduce the complexity of your design too.

It is called the 100G QSFP28-P4AR (PAM4 Access Reach), and it allows you to transmit 100G DWDM over 40km without the need for amplification.

It's going to be available in early to mid 2021"

I have no information on pricing or which vendors are supported. However, the optics are QSFP28 MSA compliant, so should in theory work on any compatible equipment. No info either on how well it will play with existing DWDM waves, but since it's PAM4 special consideration may be required.

Electrical draw is less than 6.5W and based on the fact that you can do 2 Tbps over a single fiber or 4 Tbps over a pair of fibers, I'm assuming it uses a 100 GHz grid. No word on tunables. Max range is 60 km.

There's no real technical data available, but some basic information can be found in a Lightreading presentation titled "PAM4 or Coherent? - An Optical Access Reach Review"

The slides can be downloaded here:

The recording of the presentation is viewable, if you fill out an annoying form at:

I'm sure u/Dan_PrecisionOT can give more details, as he's the original poster.

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