Friday, October 16, 2020

Layer 3 a 2 switches - Star & Mesh networks

Hey r/

For a school project we are entirely renewing a schools infrastructure. This school wants BYOD and the necessary network changes to accommodate it.

They want to follow another's school method and install layer 3 switches everywhere, Core - Distribution & Access.

But is solely using L3 switches a bad thing? It will work but is there a point in using only L3 switches? We were thinking about it in our school project and this might be something which is done in mesh networks and not in star networks?

The school we are renewing has the budget to buy either type of switches, but because fiber cables are not present in the entire school, they want to build a star network. We were able to approve to have fiber layed in the ground, which is a very costly operation. Because of the age of the school, they want to lay fiber down now to connect all mayor buildings with the core building, and in 5 years or later lay down fiber to connect all mayor buildings together to form a mesh network.

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